School Uniform
We hope that pupils who attend Penyrheol Primary School will be proud to belong to the school and will wish to be identified with us by wearing our distinctive school uniform. The uniform list is kept as brief as possible and with as much variation within the list as is reasonable, so as to avoid undue expenditure on the part of parents.
A number of local businesses stock our uniform
It would be difficult to enforce compulsory school uniform but we would like to encourage everyone to do their best to wear the school uniform at all times, particularly when going out of school on a visit. The uniform is very practical for all activities undertaken in and out of school and establishes a very healthy sense of unity and being a valued member of a team. The cooperation of parents in ensuring a full and correct maintenance of the uniform is requested, It is suggested that all items of school clothing be clearly marked with the pupil's name.
Parents are expected to provide their children with a change of clothes such as shorts, T-shirts, jogging bottoms, trainers / gym shoes, swimming costume etc. for PE, Drama and Games. Children will need football / rugby togs to participate in team training session. We do ask that all children wear suitable foot-ware.
Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery, other than a watch and stud earrings, in school. They can be dangerous during practical lessons and at playtime and cause upset when lost or damaged. Children may wear stud earrings only but these must be removed for safety reasons during PE, Swimming, Drama and Games lessons.
A number of local businesses stock our uniform
- Sew & Sew, High Street, Gorseinon - 07912 359569
- Picton Sports, Dafen Industrial Park, Llanelli - 01554 754662
It would be difficult to enforce compulsory school uniform but we would like to encourage everyone to do their best to wear the school uniform at all times, particularly when going out of school on a visit. The uniform is very practical for all activities undertaken in and out of school and establishes a very healthy sense of unity and being a valued member of a team. The cooperation of parents in ensuring a full and correct maintenance of the uniform is requested, It is suggested that all items of school clothing be clearly marked with the pupil's name.
Parents are expected to provide their children with a change of clothes such as shorts, T-shirts, jogging bottoms, trainers / gym shoes, swimming costume etc. for PE, Drama and Games. Children will need football / rugby togs to participate in team training session. We do ask that all children wear suitable foot-ware.
Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery, other than a watch and stud earrings, in school. They can be dangerous during practical lessons and at playtime and cause upset when lost or damaged. Children may wear stud earrings only but these must be removed for safety reasons during PE, Swimming, Drama and Games lessons.